If you’re interested in memoir-writing and healing, you’ll love the Healing Through Writing Workshop Bundle

$1,160+ worth of presentations and workshops to help you continue to move forward on your healing journey.

Lifetime Workshop & Presentation Access

Instead of searching around trying to find these teachers and workshops (many unavailable to the public) you can enjoy these 27 presentations on your own time.

Enjoy exploring 27 different ways to heal through writing

This Healing Through Writing Workshop Bundle is full of kind, practical and healing workshops and presentations to help support your healing with writing (and your body!)

Not to mention, ongoing access to the presentations means you can revisit them whenever you need to without feeling rushed.

Meet your Healing and Writing Guides

Just look at this stellar lineup of kind and skilled healers you’ll learn from, who all presented at the 2023 Healing Through Writing Festival!

1: The foundations of healing

What does healing mean, and how can structure support us?

Sessions that explore what healing is, how to shift resistance and creative block using your body (and how that’s connected to healing), and how structure, especially writing structure, can be your very good friend when you want to write and heal from your difficult stories.

After building this foundation of healing and structure, you’ll feel resourced for the next three themes of healing through writing topics!

  • Somatic Self-Care for Embodied Writing: Mindful Movement & Nervous System Mapping

    Eva Still (she/her), Writer, yoga teacher, yoga therapist & embodiment coach

  • The Story is in the Shape Workshop (LIVE): how to write powerful essays about difficult material

    Nicole Breit (she/her), Creator, Spark Your Story Writing Programs

  • Panel: Healing From and Through Your Professional Writing

    Michelle Boyd, Founder, InkWell Academic Writing Retreats & Margy Thomas (she/her), Creator of ScholarShape

  • Bad Writing is Good Writing: Letting go of assessment

    Sarah Teresa Cook, Writer & Creativity Coach

  • Breath & Voice as Foundation & Inspiration for Writing!

    Fides Krucker (she/her), Voice Visionary

  • Shifting Resistance and Creative Block Using Your Body Workshop (LIVE)

    Janelle Hardy of The Art of Personal Mythmaking

2: Taking the lid off: dealing with grief and rage

The healing journey can feel messy, ugly and hard. As we untangle ourselves our grief and rage (so necessary for healing) gives us a shake and says ‘pay attention to me!’

We’ll explore how to make these tricky experiences our allies.

We’ll explore how to navigate and befriend what feels too big, too charged, too scary with workshops and talks by dynamic, kind healers and writers.

  • Writing From the Charge: how to work (and write) with the big feelings instead of avoiding or pushing them down

    Nurjahan Boulden (she/her), Storyteller and Belly Dance Teacher

  • Sack of Sorrows Workshop (LIVE): Writing and Stitching Your Grief

    Zak Foster (he/they), Textile Artist and Community Organizer

  • Unlearning and Unbecoming Through Writing

    Phi Dang, Human Design Life Coach

  • Journaling for the Anxious Mind

    Amber Benziger (she/her), MS, LPC, Therapist & Coach

  • Writing Your Heart Even When it's Fucking Scary

    Clementine Morrigan, Writer

  • Writing Through the Messy Middle of Healing

    Rachel Havekost (she/her), Writer

  • Writing Your Birth Story as a Healing Practice

    Dr Erin Bowe, Clinical Perinatal Psychologist & Author

  • Turning Towards Resilience: Embodied Writing as a Pathway Through a World on Fire

    Jenny Holden, Creative Director, Mentor and Embodiment Guide

3: Finding joy, delight and pleasure in healing

Healing isn’t all serious challenges.

Our senses, our bodies and the world offer us constant opportunities to tap into the uplifting and the joyful.

Tapping into, and writing about beauty, marvel and awe is anything but frivolous, and helps us expand our capacity to work with the tougher stuff.

  • No One is Going to Give Me Permission, I Write Myself In

    Daje Aloh (she/they), Writer / Coach

  • Sensuality Fuels Creativity: How to Write your Soul Book Workshop (LIVE)

    Shawnrey Notto (she/her), Author, Artist & Sensual IQ Guide

  • The Art of Introspection

    Tiffany Clarke Harrison (she/her), Author, Author Mentor

  • I Have a Good Body: Personal Style and Writing as a Healing Practice (LIVE)

    Stasia Savasuk (she/her), Style Activist

    (note: Stasia is presenting this workshop live on Wednesday, the day before this day, due to scheduling)

  • Self Care Rituals for Healing

    Megan Sheldon, CEO, Be Ceremonial

  • Writing Fiction to Heal

    Jade Eby (she/her), Author & Storytelling Coach

4: Integrating our healing and telling our stories

Healing is also about holding the paradox of both/and. As our last theme we explore how how and why writing and telling our stories is so very important.

We make meaning with our stories, and we plan how to continue to heal through writing. Because watching actionable presentations is great, but to have ongoing healing, you need to integrate these ideas and writing techniques. And doing so alongside others with similar goals is powerful.

  • Your Healing Story is a Love Story

    Nisha Mody (she/her), Relational Healing & Life Coach, Writer, and Speaker

  • As We Write, Our Ancestors Listen

    Jillian Walker {Gogo}, Founding Artist, Sangoma Priestess and Studio Mother of Legasea

  • Diary Quilting: Memoir, Abstraction, and Time

    Heidi Parkes, Artist and Quilter

  • Writing Rituals for Channeling Spirits & Adapting with your Ecosystem

    Crystal Woodling, Appalachian Wise Woman, Poet, Herbalist, and Hellenistic Astrologer

  • If Someone Takes Your Story From You, Take It Back

    Jeanette LeBlanc (she/her), Sovereignty Catalyst • Word Witch • Creative Provocateur

  • Panel: How Memoir-Writing Heals: personal experiences and conversation (LIVE)

    with special guests

  • Mythmaking, Memoir Writing and Healing Workshop (LIVE): how cultivating a meaning-making process helps you heal

    Janelle Hardy of The Art of Personal Mythmaking

As you can see from these thoughtful and wide-ranging presentations and workshops, this is a uniquely curated workshop bundle.

Sign up to learn from 27 skilled (and kind!) healers and writers about supportive writing processes and simple memoir-writing techniques.

You know by now that healing is multifaceted

It takes a whole lot more than just saying you want to heal from the difficult parts of your life stories.

And there are so many ways to approach healing. It can be overwhelming knowing where to start, and how to continue.

You’re getting a lot of things right with the healing process.

In fact, you’ve probably gone down the rabbit hole of...

You have moments of expansion and relief, but then ‘oh no’ moments of contraction.

You sometimes wonder if you’re doing your healing ‘right.’

Maybe you’re despairing at the thought of making the kinds of positive changes you long for.

Or maybe you’re sick of being disappointed and just can’t wade your way through one more public figure or therapy promising the next ‘magic’ process.

Yet, you still find yourself seeking

  • Signing up for courses and workshops on trauma healing, writing and journalling

  • Working with therapists and alternative healing practitioners

  • Talking to friends about their healing journey and asking them what's worked

  • Googling for support and resources on what a healing crisis is, quarter life and mid life crises, various worrying symptoms...

  • Listening to podcasts and following healers on instagram, reading those 5-slide carousels on nervous system 101, mindset, and more...

There is a way to heal that feels supportive and creative

Explore creative writing and life story writing processes that support your healing journey.

Inside this Healing Through Writing Workshop Bundle you’ll learn how to:

  • Use writing and the creative arts as a tool for healing

  • Tap into the wisdom of your body through writing (and discover how that's connected to your healing)

  • Write about your life experiences and have your perspective (and triggers) change as a result

  • Source your healing from your inner life, your bodypsyche

Meet your host

Hi! I’m Janelle Hardy.

I’m a writer, somatic (body) healer and transformational memoir-writing teacher.

I’ve been on a healing path since I was 20, seeking to find relief from extreme shyness, loneliness, chronic fatigue, intense tooth grinding and tummy troubles.

And it’s worked. I’ve found relief and healing.

I’m the host of the Memoir Body, Healing Story Podcast and the creator/teacher of a transformational memoir-writing course called The Art of Personal Mythmaking. 

All of which is to say - you’re in good hands with me :-)

I care deeply about the people I serve.

I trust this work, I trust my training and experience, and I trust the incredible lineup of skilled (and kind) healers and writers you’ll hear from during the Healing Through Writing Festival.

Most of all, I trust you and your longing for healing, growth, and kind, skilled support on your journey.

Sign up to learn supportive writing processes and simple memoir-writing techniques while moving forward on your healing journey.

The Healing Through Writing Workshop Bundle was created with your healing in mind.

It’s a workshop and presentation series that trusts you.

  • That trusts your discernment, your hunger for growth, the wisdom of your body, your creativity and your stories.

It’s not just about healing the difficult, but about inviting in joy, expansion and depth.

Healing Through Writing was specifically created for sensitive, thoughtful, creative seekers like you. People who:

  • love writing and other creative practices

  • are struggling to understand their discontent, their discomfort, their weird symptoms

  • are hungry to grow beyond what their cultures, societies and families have told them they are

  • feel the deep and potent promise of a transformative process

  • have stories that have been held inside too tightly for far too long

This bundle is about giving you embodied, experiential practices and ways to write your personal stories that are healing.

Dive into this enriching, experiential, Healing Through Writing Workshop Bundle to learn, explore and feel the possibilities that await you.

Have questions? Here are some answers.

  • You’ll learn (and try) a wide range of supportive writing processes and simple memoir-writing techniques from 27 skilled healers and writers.

    We’ll cover a wide range of experiences that support (and hinder) your healing, and how to create transformation and flow in your healing (and writing) journey by working with the challenges instead of against them.

  • If you’re curious about healing, if you enjoy writing, this bundle is for you!

    We’ll be specifically talking to people with a desire to do their healing through writing, and exploring their life experiences, but anyone else who wants to get started with healing through writing is welcome to join us.

  • As long as I (Janelle Hardy) am in business online, which will definitely be longer than a year!

  • Yes.

    All presentations have closed captioning.

    Please reach out if there’s anything we can do to ensure you’re able to enjoy this bundle: jaha @ janellehardy.com

Sign up for the Healing Through Writing Workshop Bundle today!